Wooden gavel

May Justice Be Served

Every believer is certain to find it difficult at times to engage someone in a meaningful way about the gospel. There is, after all, a wide and deep chasm that exists between the worldview of the Christian and the prevailing worldviews represented in contemporary culture. And this chasm is only getting bigger. It used to…


For the Love of Science!

I love science; I really do! Having taken a plethora of university courses within the science discipline, I have many fond memories: battling through physics experiments, being in total awe while working with human cadavers in anatomy lab, and chemistry study sessions with my then girlfriend Lana, now my wife of 34 years. Yes good…

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Real Reality

So…I know I introduced last week’s blog as the first in a series of posts on God’s provision, with the promise that this week I’d continue that series. But sometimes ideas are too important and too timely to pass up, and that’s the predicament before me. So for today’s post, I’m going to depart from…