Where Should I Go to Church?

Where Should I Go to Church?

When looking for a church, there are many things to consider. Perhaps you are presently feeling real pressure to lead your wife, kids, or even young adult children into a solid church and when this is the case, you are likely asking yourself a few certain questions. How is the preaching? What is their worship…

Large church service full of people

Highlights from ShepCon

I am making it my aim to write blogs about what’s buzzing around in my head. And so I’m sitting in the Sea-Tac airport, on my way home, reflecting on ShepCon (The Shepherd’s Conference)—what I just attended. Basically, in early March of every year, 4,000 pastors and church leaders gather for three days on the…

Dog begging for food while person eats at the table

A Seat at the Table

There are a surprising number of churches in Anchorage. I’m not sure what the actual count would be, but you can be sure it numbers in the hundreds. There are some streets in particular around town that seem to be prime church real estate. There may be as many as ten different churches lining roads…

Chair on top of a mountain

Summer Break

The arrival of summer and the ongoing post-pandemic return to normalcy marks a blessed milestone in our AGC history! By God’s grace we have been through a lot together in challenging times. One of the important initiatives we took on in the early uncertainty of the pandemic was to have each of the pastors speak…

Chess player taking out the king

A Bully in the Church

A Bully in the Church There is a powerful sin that happens within the church that I dare say has largely gone unaddressed to its own detriment and damage.  This is the sin of bullying.  One of the main qualifications for being a spiritual leader is that you cannot be “pugnacious” or “domineering” over believers:…

Three cranes on top of a building

I Will Build My Church

There’s been a lot of talk as of late about the Equality Act, which was introduced in the house by Democrat lawmakers on February 23rd. Now, on the one hand, this isn’t a new legislation. In fact, the bill came up in Congress during Donald Trump’s presidency, and it even passed in the lower chamber…

Boat in the water

Why We Need Expository Preaching Now More Than Ever, Pt. 3

Two days ago from the pulpit, I asked the question, “Is church attendance essential?”  This in keeping with a wider municipality question: “What businesses are essential?” That question now begs what we think about church attendance.  Cutting to the proverbial chase, the answer is, “Yes, it is essential!”  God’s Word commands Christians to “assemble together”…

Church building

The Lord’s Supper

I am a big proponent of children being present during corporate church worship services.  I put this under the category of personal preference but believe deep impressions are made on children as they observe their parent or parents worship.  Along with other adults.  This is why I regularly say, “Kids and babies are welcome to…

bread and wine

The Lord’s Table “Livestream”

I am finishing this post in my makeshift office and it is now Tuesday. My focus has turned toward two more up and coming livestream services.  Friday evening Passover and Resurrection Sunday. Streaming worship together is different to say the least and everyone appears to be adjusting. Some of you may actually enjoy the convenience…