Bible and a notebook

Be Strong and Courageous

The opening chapter to the book of Joshua has always captivated my attention.  The book begins with the LORD issuing Joshua a striking command, four successive times, “to be strong and courageous” (Josh. 1:6, 7, 9, 18).  This command stands out especially in today’s culture which is in an all-out assault against manhood.  There is…

Two men praying together

Courage to Face the Present

There are a lot of things happening around us in our world today. There seems to be a growing uneasiness floating about. You can feel it. There are whisperings of things that may or may not take place. There are uninvited feelings of heaviness brought about by the things that we see and hear which…

Three cranes on top of a building

I Will Build My Church

There’s been a lot of talk as of late about the Equality Act, which was introduced in the house by Democrat lawmakers on February 23rd. Now, on the one hand, this isn’t a new legislation. In fact, the bill came up in Congress during Donald Trump’s presidency, and it even passed in the lower chamber…

man carrying a backpack

Prepare Your Provisions

In just a few short days a new era will begin. A new era, not only in the life of all students but for parents as well. This new era, or segment of life, will be marked with the end of the school year. For the seniors who have graduated, you will be entering a…