Sourdough starter in a jar

Culture War

Lots of things have changed since COVID. That seems pretty obvious right now a whole three months after the start of this pandemic. The lockdowns across our country have forced people to adjust the way they live life. It’s required us to take stock of what we have, use the resources at our disposal. It’s…

man holding Bible

Decisions, Decisions!

So if you are like me, you have a bit of a quandary regarding what to do next, or even what to believe. The COVID -19 crisis really is a crisis! There is no doubt about that. There are many, many people that are sick and dying from this virus. People with compromised health should…

inside an airplane

The Provision of God, Pt. 5

With the hunker-down order still in place, traveling is probably the last thing on everyone’s minds. Who wants to travel right now, anyway? (That’s right, I see those hands.) For me, traveling is multifaceted affair. On the one hand, I enjoy going places, seeing new things, eating new foods, and having new experiences. On the…

large rock

The Provision of God, Pt. 4

This is now part 4 in my little mini-series on God’s provision, and I must admit that every time I dig into the book of Philippians, I’m more and more confounded by its depth, complexity, and immediate relevance to everyday life. Yeah, yeah, I know that all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable and therefore relevant….

people walking

Crazy Busy

title taken from Keven DeYoung’s short book: For my turn blogging, I thought of a sermon I preached from Ecclesiastes a few years back.  Times are weird, and like me, I am sure you could use some of “Solomon’s wisdom” right now.  My preaching focus (in 2017?) was on life’s rat race work culture. …

toilet paper and man wearing a mask

The New Normal?

If you know me, you know that I have issues.  In fact we all have issues to some extent.  I often will think to myself that if I can just get this thing or get to this point, then life will be good.  Well right now I have an issue with a phrase that is…

lake landscape

The Provision of God, Pt. 3

Nestled far up in the High Sierras over 9,000 feet in elevation are a twin set of lakes called Virginia Lakes. At first glance, nothing in particular distinguishes these from any of the other scenic lakes which dot these rugged California mountains. But few places in the world mean as much to me as this…

man chopping wood

Your Job Life

I want to talk about something more personal to you than you may realize.  I want to talk through the concept of someone’s job being his or her identity.  Some will readily agree with this and some will not.  If you have ever lost a job or come close or between jobs, you will follow. …