Three cranes on top of a building

I Will Build My Church

There’s been a lot of talk as of late about the Equality Act, which was introduced in the house by Democrat lawmakers on February 23rd. Now, on the one hand, this isn’t a new legislation. In fact, the bill came up in Congress during Donald Trump’s presidency, and it even passed in the lower chamber…

family at sunset

Fighting with the Family

There are certain providential circumstances that lead to conversations you might not have entered otherwise. My wife and I had such a conversation late last week. You see, in case you haven’t seen the latest episode of Keeping up with the Schneiderashians, the most recent development is that we are expecting another baby…again. I can hear…


The Arc of History

For the past two weeks, I have been writing about current events. The civil protests labeled the Capitol Riots, which motivated the second impeachment of Donald Trump, which bled into a most unusual and unprecedented presidential inauguration week for Joe Biden, all continue to move me to humbly ask the question, “How are we, as…

iphone screen

Deal with It

I got a call from one of my sons several weeks ago and he said, “Hey Dad you know how you say you hate social media?”  I did not need to be reminded.  I have seen these incredible tools commonly referred to as social media used in some pretty terrible ways.  Just last year I…

feet and two arrows

What Happens Now?

Regardless of one’s political persuasion, last week will stand in infamy within the pages of our nation’s treasured history. Personally, I am grieving deeply for the United States I have served and sacrificed for. As acrimony in the wake of the Capitol riots spreads like gangrene, I wonder if there can ever again be unity…

man walking on a field

Is There No God in Israel?

By the looks of things, 2021 is faring no better than 2020. Actually the start of 2021 has been by many standards a failure, politically, socially, and morally. Who has the answer for the approaching implosion of our country? Our “motto” is “One Nation under God”, or it used to be. Now it has come…

Soldier holding a rifle in battle

Fighting for Our Faith

The Battle of France, also known as the Fall of France, was the German invasion of France and the Low Countries during the Second World War. In May and June of 1940, German armored units made a surprise push through the Ardennes, and then along the Somme valley, cutting off and surrounding the Allied units that had advanced into Belgium to meet the expected German invasion. British, Belgian, and French…

A table and two chairs in a dark room

Feeling the Tension, Pt. 3

We’re all familiar with the scene. The single light shining down onto a cold, metal table in a dark and empty interrogation room. The light from the overhead lamp illuminates the face of a man. He is handcuffed, dressed in prisoner orange. His face is both bright and dark, the effects of the single light…