Foggy trees

Feeling the Tension, Pt. 2

If you missed last week’s blog entry from me, I’d suggest you go back and read it because it serves as an introduction to the next few posts I’ll be giving focusing on the reality of living out the Christian life as a citizen of a kingdom that is not of this world. I haven’t…

Bathroom sign

Act Like Men

By the time I write my blog next Wednesday morning, the 2020 presidential elections will be in the past…not the outcomes and consequences, just the election. In fact, I would venture a guess that whatever happens next Tuesday will not end Tuesday night at 11:59pm but will drag on for days, weeks, or months [or…

Frog sitting on wet rock

Of Frogs and Firecrackers

Growing up where I lived I had limited access to friends. Bayou George, Florida was out in the middle of nowhere and friends were a valuable commodity. But friends, at times, can “dare” you to do certain things that go against your conscience. Some folk might have the idea that growing up in the country…

Four people with their hands together on a table

Solving Racism

I grew up in Virginia during the 70’s, in the wake of desegregating schools.  My neighborhoods and public schools were a mix of ethnicities and there was bullying and fights based on residual racial tension.  However, these fights, in my neighborhood were not only held by the children.  I remember watching my mother sob to…

abstract of the brain

The Battle for Your Mind

Sunday I asked the question if someone asked you in mid-September of last year to project one year ahead what you thought the state of the country would be like, what would you have said?  Even wearing a tinfoil hat and the most aggressive conspiracy theorist, I am convinced you would not have predicted the…

2020 calendar

The Last Days?

Praise God we had wonderful church fellowship yesterday, Sunday, September 13th, 2020! I write my Monday blog—as it is my turn and deadlines, never wait—with a full heart and an encouraging outlook. God continues blessing our AGC church family’s careful returning to in-person fellowship after six months of undulating COVID-19 restrictions. It is necessary and…

Clouds during a storm

Willfully Ignorant

Last week, my family and I spent a few days in Homer camping with some friends from Fairbanks. We had a great time despite the incessant rain that soaked us for all but one solitary day of our trip. Our boys always get excited about camping, so we have to be careful about when we…

Old cannons

Telling the Full Story

When most people think of July 1st, they think of Independence Day weekend, summer, barbecues, fishing, the list goes on. When I think of July 1st, my first thought immediately turns to the opening day of the battle of Gettysburg. Even though I was born in southern California, my first vivid memories of childhood are…