Open Bible on a table

 Illuminated Preaching 

When I was seven my family attended a small Baptist church, and my first memory of understanding illumination comes from the close of one particular service there. The congregation was singing, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” (Helen H. Lemmel) and these words from the chorus touched my tender young heart: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus/…

Boat in the water

Why We Need Expository Preaching Now More Than Ever, Pt. 3

Two days ago from the pulpit, I asked the question, “Is church attendance essential?”  This in keeping with a wider municipality question: “What businesses are essential?” That question now begs what we think about church attendance.  Cutting to the proverbial chase, the answer is, “Yes, it is essential!”  God’s Word commands Christians to “assemble together”…

open Bible

More Preaching

2017 was a historical year for the church and evangelical Christianity.  Five hundred years ago marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation where Martin Luther took his stand against abuses within the Roman Catholic Church.  October 31 has been called Reformation Day celebrating this stand where Luther literally nailed his 95 Theses to the door…