Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

The phrase “our daily bread” is likely an expression you have heard before. For some, it is reminiscent of the small devotional pamphlet often found in the foyer of some churches. The devotional was first published in 1956, the title of the devotional stems from the Lord’s prayer found in Matthew 6:9-13, and in the…

Assurance of Salvation

Assurance of Salvation

By the time you are reading this blog post I have already preached the sum and substance I am about to write. In my sermon a few weeks ago, for my conclusion I took a few moments to pastor our congregation in the matter of having the assurance of salvation. The longer I have pastored…

Woman holding white slabs that say Spirit of Adoption


Adoption is a beautiful thing. The concept has been around for a long time. The Hammurabi Code, an ancient code that more than likely predated Abraham, lists 282 laws that covered everything from commerce interactions to adoption. In this code, laws 185-194 give specific details regarding adoption. There were several reasons in the ancient world…

Person walking a mountain ridge

The Devil’s Causeway

Sixteen miles southwest of Yampa, CO, nestled in the heart of the flattened basaltic domes of the Flattop Wilderness lies as notorious and imposing stretch of trail called The Devil’s Causeway. Daring hikers park their vehicles at the trailhead at Stillwater Reservoir and make their way past stunning meadows and eerie forests on the six-mile…

Baby being baptized with a seashell


There are some stories in the news that don’t seem like they’re big stories, but they are. This was especially true this past Tuesday. In the midst of international tensions rising over Russia’s posturing towards Ukraine, the convoy protests over vaccine mandates in Canada, and the new details coming to light of the Hillary Clinton…

Dandelions blowing seeds in the wind

Effects of the Wind  

Recently I met a new couple visiting our church. What was meant as a, getting to know you visit, quickly shifted into a discussion on, how you can know you are a true believer?  Many people wrestle with doubts regarding their spiritual status and on how to quantify where they stand in relation to God….

Sword with a gold pommel

The True Weapon Against Death

The fallen human condition naturally fights against whatever threatens to enslave it. The whole human race is made up of people winning and or losing in life to varying degrees all the time. People fight to be on the winning side. The most significant battle that humanity rages is against death because death has enslaved…

woman shopping

Consumer or Worship

Church culture has shifted and if shifting.  A year ago, it was a lot easier to come to church out of a religious motive.  Mainstream attenders whooshing in and out of church services to be seen and acknowledged by friend groups to be reassured they are good people and under God’s blessing.  This kind of…