Assurance of Salvation

Assurance of Salvation

By the time you are reading this blog post I have already preached the sum and substance I am about to write. In my sermon a few weeks ago, for my conclusion I took a few moments to pastor our congregation in the matter of having the assurance of salvation. The longer I have pastored…

Clear lake with mountains in the background

Be Still and Know 

I thought I would take some time and meditate out loud on a verse the Holy Spirit has brought to my attention over these last couple of weeks. The command from Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God” is not an easy one for someone like me to live by and obey….

Man holding his arms out on a mountain

Blessed Assurance

We are living in a time when our daily news just seems to go from bad to worse. Our culture, government, and economic support systems appear to be literally crumbling around us at a breathtaking pace. The uncertainty has many Christians wondering whether the end, as promised in Scripture, is near. A logical byproduct of…

Boat anchored in the water

That You May Know

Have you ever struggled with assurance of your salvation? Many regenerate Christians do from time to time because Satan is continually seeking to undermine our confidence in the gospel. It has been said that the enemy’s goal is to get believers to doubt their eternal security while working on unbelievers to never question theirs. Considering…

Bibles in the backs of seats

And Can It Be?

Growing up in church we sang mostly hymns. What is a hymn? A dictionary definition is a religious song or poem of praise to God. Basically, it’s a song that we sang at church, accompanied by a piano or organ. Very much like we do today, slightly different. Looking back and remembering all the hymns I…

Question mark light in a tunnel of graffiti

How Do I Know I’m Saved?

Do you ever doubt your salvation? I think every converted believer has had moments of doubt, but for some, such doubts can become debilitating in the walk of faith. The enemies of God want Christians to doubt their salvation because the world, the flesh, and the Devil are anti-Christ, and therefore anti-truth. Let’s be real,…