Man working on computer wires


I am a millennial. At least that’s what sociologists have termed the generation born roughly between 1981 and 1996. It’s the generation born to baby-boomers and early Gen-X’rs. It’s the generation that came of age at the turn of the new millennium. (In fact, I graduated high school in the year 2000. Yes, the same…

The Cross at sunset

The Cost of Forgiveness

“As many were astonished at you—his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of mankind.” (Isaiah 52:14) We know this passage very well. This is the beginning of the famous song of the Suffering Servant in Isaiah. And the New Testament is absolutely clear that the person…

Lamb dying

Postscript on Provision

As a preacher and expositor, the study I do in preparation for preaching results in a massive amount of data and thoughts–far too much to include in a 40-minute sermon. The sermon-writing process can be rather painful. Insights and truths which I’ve mined from the text, which all seem so profound and important, have to…