Dog begging for food while person eats at the table

A Seat at the Table

There are a surprising number of churches in Anchorage. I’m not sure what the actual count would be, but you can be sure it numbers in the hundreds. There are some streets in particular around town that seem to be prime church real estate. There may be as many as ten different churches lining roads…

Woman holding money in the air

Blank Check

I have once been the recipient of a blank check. For a few fateful days I held the check in my hands, pondering the possibilities of all I could do with such a powerful gift. In reality, the check was from my parents, so there was no getting away with any shenanigans. But beyond the…

White heart with a green background

Purity Promises God’s Presence

Usually the best way to understand Scripture is to take it at face value. To simply read what it says and believe that that is exactly what it means. Not overcomplicating or over thinking things can be both refreshing and deflating at the same time. Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount brings me to this kind…