Choose the “Hard” Button!

Choose the “Hard” Button!

If you think about it, modern culture puts tremendous effort towards improving efficiency and convenience in everything we do. Less effort brings satisfaction, a sense of triumph over the world, and even joy. We want “easy!” You might say that we of the modern age are addicted to “easy” if we can achieve it. Now,…

Worship by numbers

Worship by numbers

There are certain personalities that are driven by an eye for details, and then there are personalities that thrive at seeing the bigger picture. Every once in a while, you’ll find a person who seems to be equipped with a balance of both these abilities, but I’ve found—at least in my own experience—that one or…

Person Climbing on Mountain

Going Up

I watched an incredible mountain race this past Saturday in Girdwood. The race is part of a national mountain racing program called the Cirque Series, wherein intrepid and profoundly physically fit racers compete against themselves and one another in places like Arapahoe Basin, Colorado, and Snowbird, Utah. The upcoming Colorado race is an 8.8-mile circuit…

What’s in Your Hand?

What’s in Your Hand?

Exodus 4:1-2 Then Moses answered, “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you.’”  The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.”  The 1978 Orange Bowl pitted the number two ranked Sooners of Oklahoma, coached by Barry Switzer, and the…

Show Me Now!

Show Me Now!

February 14th was Valentine’s Day. A day when people in the U.S.A. and other parts of the world displayed their love and affection toward others by giving flowers and candy and such. Those wishing to express their love this Valentine’s Day spent well over 26 billion dollars to do so!  “Do you Love Me?”  This…

Life Is Complicated

Life Is Complicated

On April 17, 1790 the American founding father Benjamin Franklin passed away at the age of 84. He had developed a notoriety for his smart turns of phrase and apt proverbial observations. Just a few months before his passing, he wrote a letter to a French scientist named Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, concerned over the doctor’s…

Desktop files one for 2023 and the cursor clicking on 2024

Prepare Your Provisions for 2024

Depending on when you read this or where you live, we have now been living in the year 2024 for approximately ten days. A new year! This new year will bring with it, as it already has for some, new opportunities, and obstacles. There will be challenges, anxious moments, and even giants where you are…

A Shepard herding sheep through the mountains

Duty Follows Doctrine

   When we learn things in life, there is usually an expectation that the knowledge and skills gained through the education process will be used for the betterment of others. In a sense, we learn to serve. Doctors attend medical school and lengthy residence programs to become certified in certain specialties. When we need them…