Assurance of Salvation

Assurance of Salvation

By the time you are reading this blog post I have already preached the sum and substance I am about to write. In my sermon a few weeks ago, for my conclusion I took a few moments to pastor our congregation in the matter of having the assurance of salvation. The longer I have pastored…

My Friend Abdul

My Friend Abdul

There are many stories that do not need to be told.  But in this life, each of us knows stories that really do need to be told.  I am convinced that the life of my friend Abdul really should be told.  Please enjoy the life of a man who had a huge impact on the…

tall rocky moutains

Valley of Vision

For the past five weeks, I’ve been teaching through chapter 12 of Zechariah in my Old Testament fellowship group on Sunday mornings. This is by far the longest I’ve spent in any one section of this book, and for good reason. The entire book of Zechariah seeps with Messianic theology. Perhaps next to Isaiah, the…