To Persevere is to Discern

To Persevere is to Discern

Nobody wants to be duped. Perhaps the most feared and hated people in society are those who turn out to be frauds. People who act like the real thing but later disappoint or even harm you for trusting in them.  It’s sickening when you discover something you’ve trusted is actually false. But the reality is,…

Man fishing on a river


I recently returned from a 7-day float trip down the Arolik River in remote Western Alaska. Well, it was a 6-day trip because we could not get out on the first day due to inclement weather. It was quite the adventure though!  We flew into Bethel, Alaska, and were taken out by float plane to…

Two one way signs

Discernment 2

We are living in an age of information saturation. Saturation seems an apt descriptor because it means we’re enduring media in a manner described by one dictionary as “to a very full extent, especially beyond the point regarded as necessary or desirable.” Such is the nature of calamity and strife. There are things we need…

Success Favours the Prepared in scrabble letters

Be Ready

It is in my make up to be prepared. I always want to be prepared for what may come. While I was never a Boy Scout, I do have a similar approach to their theme of “Be Prepared.” Living through the last 18 months has really given us a fresh perspective of being prepared. If nothing…

Man reading his Bible

Contending for the Faith

What does it mean to contend for our faith?  As a believer advancing into my sixth decade of living in America, I am appalled at the seeming total freefall away from biblical moral values I see in our culture. Recently, noted transgender, Caitlyn Jenner, announced intentions to run for governor of California—and as a Republican,…

Light bulb

Not My Idea

Have you ever felt forced to make a decision that you really did not believe in?  It is critical that leadership teams are on the same page, and even when they do not agree on a decision, they continue on in unity to complete the task at hand. Sometimes though it is difficult if you…

Old castle

Countering False Teaching

The more I am in God’s Word these days, either through my seminary classes, or because I am leading a fellowship group focused on sound doctrine, the more I see just how significant the threat of false teaching is to achieving a healthy Christ-pleasing church. The New Testament Epistles are replete with warnings about false…

Cheese section in a store

Real Cheese

In today’s marketplace, most adult consumers are familiar with the “REAL” dairy seal. This registered trademark was adopted nationwide in 1980 by the United Dairy Industry Association (UDIA). The reason, “The proliferation of imitation butter, cheese milks, sour cream and ice creams is so confusing…” (Haevrdejs, 1981) So, you may ask yourself of what importance…