Coach reading the Bible to team

Is This the End?

Since before the ascension of Jesus Christ and especially after, the time of his return has been a topic of disagreement, controversy, and unfilled expectations. Jesus’ own apostles attempted on several occasions to get an answer on this important subject, of the end of time. “As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples…

old chair

Your Kingdom Come

We’re all familiar with it. It was probably the first prayer we ever learned to prayer. Maybe we heard it recited with ritual regularity from our parents before bed. Maybe we memorized it in Sunday School or AWANAS. The Lord’s Prayer is one of those passages that brings the comfort of nostalgia and familiarity. It’s…

city on fire

Because the Time Is Near

There’s been a flurry of discussion among evangelicals over the past several months regarding all the events occurring throughout our nation. In fact, I’ve seen some images coming out of California and Oregon which could truly be described as apocalyptic. It would seem like the entire west coast is on fire. Add to the mix…

2020 calendar

The Last Days?

Praise God we had wonderful church fellowship yesterday, Sunday, September 13th, 2020! I write my Monday blog—as it is my turn and deadlines, never wait—with a full heart and an encouraging outlook. God continues blessing our AGC church family’s careful returning to in-person fellowship after six months of undulating COVID-19 restrictions. It is necessary and…

Clouds during a storm

Willfully Ignorant

Last week, my family and I spent a few days in Homer camping with some friends from Fairbanks. We had a great time despite the incessant rain that soaked us for all but one solitary day of our trip. Our boys always get excited about camping, so we have to be careful about when we…