Road next to two corn fields

Lost in a Corn Field

In the early years of our marriage, I wanted to take my wife to visit my Aunt Nell and Uncle Homer who lived in Twiggs County Georgia; to the farm. The farm is where I had spent many summers as a young boy and well into my teen years. I had many great memories of…

The Cross at sunset

The Cost of Forgiveness

“As many were astonished at you—his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of mankind.” (Isaiah 52:14) We know this passage very well. This is the beginning of the famous song of the Suffering Servant in Isaiah. And the New Testament is absolutely clear that the person…

soldiers shooting

Forgiving from the Heart

At the end of the Civil War, history tells the aftermath left severe, residual animosity between the Union and Confederacy.  A cursory understanding of the multiplied issues governmentally, economically, and morally tell us why!  The Civil War was America’s bloodiest conflict.  The unprecedented violence of battles such as Shiloh, Antietam, Stones River, and Gettysburg shocked…

Boxing gloves

Family Feuds

When you think of the most famous feud in history what two names come to mind?  How about the Hatfields and McCoys?  These families became legendary in American culture and not for good reason.  During the late 1800’s with our country in Civil War, these families (both Confederates) were having their own personal war.  The…