Old radio

Still Speaking

One of my earlier memories from childhood takes me back to my grandpa’s cabin in the Sierra’s (which you can read about from an earlier post I wrote). The memory is somewhat shaky. I can’t recall many details. It’s more of a memory of generalities. I remember sitting on the floor in the broad living…

Young boy holding a Bible with a surprised look

“I Didn’t See That Coming!”

When was the last time you said to yourself, “Wow, I didn’t see that coming!” Whether a well-scripted surprise ending in a movie plotline, or an improbable sports comeback, or the complete turning of the tables in some high stakes human conflict scenario, we can all point to unusual times when we marvel at how…

Dark forest

Lessons from Esther

The Old Testament book of Esther recorded a fascinating story about God’s sovereign and providential care for Israel when they faced an existential threat. The dire scenario emerged during Israel’s exile under the Persian empire when mighty King Xerxes issued a decree to annihilate the Jews (3:9–11). However, God effected a miraculous deliverance through Esther,…

snowy mountains at night

God’s Providence in Everything?

I remember a time when an associate pastor and I were asked the question by a couple of senior Christian women what the difference is between the sovereignty of God and the providence of God.  These are similar terms that definitely overlap but each carry meaningful and specific ideas. The sovereignty of God is defined…

The world is temporarily closed

Real Reality

So…I know I introduced last week’s blog as the first in a series of posts on God’s provision, with the promise that this week I’d continue that series. But sometimes ideas are too important and too timely to pass up, and that’s the predicament before me. So for today’s post, I’m going to depart from…