Foggy trees

Feeling the Tension, Pt. 2

If you missed last week’s blog entry from me, I’d suggest you go back and read it because it serves as an introduction to the next few posts I’ll be giving focusing on the reality of living out the Christian life as a citizen of a kingdom that is not of this world. I haven’t…

Four people with their hands together on a table

Solving Racism

I grew up in Virginia during the 70’s, in the wake of desegregating schools.  My neighborhoods and public schools were a mix of ethnicities and there was bullying and fights based on residual racial tension.  However, these fights, in my neighborhood were not only held by the children.  I remember watching my mother sob to…

Indigenous woman making coffee

It’s Not about the Coffee

My wife far outpaces me as a world traveler. By the time she and I got married, she had already traveled multiple times throughout Europe and had visited at least ten countries. I’m six years older than her, and to date, I’ve only visited two: one was a short-term ministry trip to England to preach…

Lots of people walking on staircases

Going Public

Christianity is public.  By any definition from our Bibles, to be a Christian is to take our faith public.  Believers are supposed to stand out to a watching world.  Perhaps you are beginning to feel real pressure to shrink back from making your profession public and to keep your faith close to the vest, private…

Man working on computer wires


I am a millennial. At least that’s what sociologists have termed the generation born roughly between 1981 and 1996. It’s the generation born to baby-boomers and early Gen-X’rs. It’s the generation that came of age at the turn of the new millennium. (In fact, I graduated high school in the year 2000. Yes, the same…

Man laying down on basketball court after playing

Come As You Are

In the early part of 2,000 A.D., our family lived in Atlanta Georgia. I worked there in a Christian School as the Athletic Director and Coached basketball. Our summers were filled with basketball camps and summer leagues galore, the more the merrier! In Atlanta Georgia, basketball is a very big thing. Parents would spend enormous…

Man cutting vegetables on a cutting board

Cooking from the Heart

By no means would I ever claim the title of chef. Far from it, the most I could say I do is merely dabble in the culinary arts. I do it, for one, because it’s fun. It’s fun and exciting to create things. But more than anything, I do it because…well…I like to eat food. Usually,…

Glasses showing clear versus blurry letter chart

Modern Day Pharisees and Sadducees

Solomon’s wisdom states there is nothing new under the sun.  Spoken in modern vernacular, “History keeps repeating itself.”  The older I become the clearer the issues of life seem to be.  Sunday I brought up the two religious slash political groups called the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  These two groups represent two very different ideologies…

Dirt trail under trees

Just Beyond the Bushes

The Encounter I first met Alex Prokopenko in 2018 when he came to Anchorage to speak at a conference AGC was hosting as an outreach to the Russian-speaking community in Anchorage. Alex is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary, currently finishing up his PhD in Old Testament there, and working as a professor at Samara Center for…