Moments of Truth

Moments of Truth

Back in 2013, a horrific story was reported out of Florida of a sinkhole that opened up beneath the floor of a bedroom in a suburb of Tampa. The AP reported that “Jeff Bush was sleeping in a bedroom when the earth opened up and devoured him and part of the house. Five other people…

Cliche maze

Not Another Christian Cliche

There is one thing that I hate, yea two that I cannot stand: Hallmark Christmas movies, and walking into Christian bookstores. Why do these two things bother me so much? Well, the first is obvious, and I’m fairly certain I hold the majority opinion of every guy on the planet. Hallmark movies are boring, they’re…

Building rubble

Spared from Tragedy

Tragedies happen all the time where people suddenly die.  I was doing yard work yesterday out in the yard, looking at my house and somehow I was prompted to remember that nearly two and half years ago we had a 7.2 earthquake.  I guess looking at my house across my pretty big backyard I was…

New Year resolution graphic


Now is the time of year when people tend to make resolutions. There is something about the freshness of the new calendar year that inspires a person’s conscience to consider noble life changes of direction; changes that by nature come harder to begin in less remarkable times of the year. Times when we are mostly…