Do You See?

Do You See?

Those who live in the great and beautiful state of Alaska have a daily exposure to some of the greatest and most epic geography on earth. Everyday on my short commute to work, the rugged Chugach mountains tower over me just mere miles from away. At this time in the year, the birch trees are…

Man walking on a dirt trail

Satan Loves Baby Steps 

If you are even a slight fan of the cinema industry and its historical films chances are the term “Baby Steps” conjures up in you the image of Bill Murray and his dealings with psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin.  In this 1991 comedy Bob (Bill Murray) desperately seeks help from Dr. Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) for learning…

Surgeons doing a procedure

Not That Big of a Deal?

As many of you know I had a couple of surgeries on my spinal column last spring. One was on my cervical vertebrae, and the other was on my lumbar vertebrae. I lightly refer to the cervical surgery as my “bonus surgery,” because I did not have any symptoms, nor any realization that this was…

Circular scope of rock wall on coastline

A Hole in the Wall

“And he brought me to the entrance of the court, and when I looked, behold, there was a hole in the wall.” (Ezekiel 8:7). In 586 B.C. the city of Jerusalem was razed and the Jewish Temple destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. The book of Jeremiah, chapter 39 describes this event. Yet years before…

Man holding yellow smoke

“Smoke and Mirrors”

When I was younger I wanted to be a magician. I was fascinated by Magicians like David Copperfield, Doug Henning, and Siegfried and Roy. In elementary school, I purchased a paperback book during the Scholastic Book Fair called Spooky Magic. The book had a variety of “magic” tricks, using sewing thread, fishing line, memorizing cards,…

birds eye view of green trees

A Path through the Forest

Life can be a fickle thing. There are ups and there are downs. There are moments of surpassing joy, happiness, and contentment. There are also moments of doubt, discouragement, and pain. I think if we all were honest, we’d admit that in our heart of hearts, each of us hope that the ups outnumber the…

old sword

Our Holy Heavenly King

Apart from my personal feelings about the recent U.S. presidential election—whether it was stolen or not; or whether the media coverage was scandalously biased or not; or now whether or not the philosophies of the new administration will prove untenable for Christians—one simple fact is undeniable. Donald Trump is no longer the President of the…

white board on a table

Doing the Impossible, Pt. 2

I’m picking up again on Sunday’s sermon, last week going into this week on living by what is normally considered to be an impossible standard.  At the end of Matthew 5, in a verse, Jesus summarizes what it means to follow him in terms of what he has prescribed. You therefore must be perfect, as…