graphic of the word LOVE

God’s Electing Love

About two years ago, a young man named Botham Jean gave a victim impact statement concerning a police officer who was convicted of killing his brother. Botham’s statement was unforgettable as he told the police officer that he forgave her and wanted her to know Jesus. Immediately following Botham’s statement, social media was flooded with…

Lights that say love

Perfect Love

I remember writing my wedding vows and carefully thinking through what to include in them. On one hand, I wanted to express in them my love for Elizabeth to the superlative degree. I wanted to stand face to face with my bride and tell her that I would love her perfectly. On the other hand,…

hazy mountains

The Perfect Love of the Triune God

For some odd reason, men have developed a reputation for being unobservant. Now, while that’s a rash generalization to which every fiber of my testosterone-laced masculinity rebels, I have to remind myself of how many times I have opened the refrigerator door, taken a look around, and then called out to my wife, “Are we…

the word LOVE

Love Is

We’re about to celebrate another traditional “holiday” of sorts in America this coming weekend, and that is Valentine’s Day. According to our current culture, this is a day to celebrate romantic love. In so doing, pressure comes strong to send a card or gift expressing affection to our sweetheart. The coercion comes to young and…

white board on a table

Doing the Impossible, Pt. 2

I’m picking up again on Sunday’s sermon, last week going into this week on living by what is normally considered to be an impossible standard.  At the end of Matthew 5, in a verse, Jesus summarizes what it means to follow him in terms of what he has prescribed. You therefore must be perfect, as…


Doing What’s Impossible

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your…

Love one another

Show Me

The state of Missouri, like most states, has a nickname. The “Show Me State”. This nickname can be seen on license plates issued by the DMV of the State of Missouri. It is not sure where the nickname originated, there are at least four possibilities. One of those, the most commonly accepted regarding the State’s…


Melons or Manna?

We’re well into our fourth week of a different life. The impact of the Coronavirus has affected all of us in different ways. The challenge is not necessarily getting through it; one way or another this too will pass, but how are our attitudes and actions as we go through it? Way back yonder, when…