I am bold sign

Being Bold

When was the last time you had to stand up for your faith when someone was either mocking your Lord or calling your faith into question?  One instance where I had to stand up for my faith was when I was in Junior High.  I was riding on the bus to my school as a…

Metal bars with a padlock

Are We Ready?

I am certain if I took a survey on whether you thought you were ready to face persecution that the answer would be no.  It is not as if we have not been warned.     ESV  2 Timothy 3:12 Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted  We should…

Painting of a colosseum fight

The Persecution Playbook

Considering the recent election results coming dramatically in what has already been a tumultuous year, many Christians are talking about the possibility of coming religious persecution. Proverbial storm clouds seem to be appearing on the horizon. The pandemic-inspired surrendering of individual freedoms this past year plus the likely leftward shift of coming government policy evokes…

Prison window

When Persecution Comes

“Surely this can’t be happening!” seems the lament of many in the faith community of late. The specter of religious persecution has come to the fore in our national conversation about the Coronavirus. The purpose, scope, and method of instituting dramatic government-mandated restrictions on public meetings to worship—arguably necessary to prevent the virus’ spread—has polarized…