large rocky mountain

A Proven Path

Living in Alaska affords us the grand opportunity to observe God’s creation up close and personal. On occasion, I have had the opportunity to get up close and personal with the Dall sheep we see on the cliffs that overlook the Seward Highway. During one specific encounter as I labored up and up, seeking an…

Lamb dying

Postscript on Provision

As a preacher and expositor, the study I do in preparation for preaching results in a massive amount of data and thoughts–far too much to include in a 40-minute sermon. The sermon-writing process can be rather painful. Insights and truths which I’ve mined from the text, which all seem so profound and important, have to…

inside an airplane

The Provision of God, Pt. 5

With the hunker-down order still in place, traveling is probably the last thing on everyone’s minds. Who wants to travel right now, anyway? (That’s right, I see those hands.) For me, traveling is multifaceted affair. On the one hand, I enjoy going places, seeing new things, eating new foods, and having new experiences. On the…

large rock

The Provision of God, Pt. 4

This is now part 4 in my little mini-series on God’s provision, and I must admit that every time I dig into the book of Philippians, I’m more and more confounded by its depth, complexity, and immediate relevance to everyday life. Yeah, yeah, I know that all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable and therefore relevant….

lake landscape

The Provision of God, Pt. 3

Nestled far up in the High Sierras over 9,000 feet in elevation are a twin set of lakes called Virginia Lakes. At first glance, nothing in particular distinguishes these from any of the other scenic lakes which dot these rugged California mountains. But few places in the world mean as much to me as this…


Melons or Manna?

We’re well into our fourth week of a different life. The impact of the Coronavirus has affected all of us in different ways. The challenge is not necessarily getting through it; one way or another this too will pass, but how are our attitudes and actions as we go through it? Way back yonder, when…

prison gate

The Provision of God, Pt. 2

We approach life’s various experiences with a variety of expectations. Sometimes, our expectations are reasonable. Other times…not so much. My love for music began at an early age. Somewhere in the annals of my parents’ Kodak collection are photographs of me at age four or five dressed in a cowboy hat, denim overalls (no shirt,…

bread and wheat

The Provision of God, Pt. 1

Present circumstances have me thinking a lot about prayer. Oh, there’s the whole global pandemic, sure. But that’s not what I’m talking about. Three weeks ago, baby Thatcher Finn Schneider came into our family. That first week was a bit surreal. I was somewhat disconnected from normal life. Our other two boys were being spoiled…