Old broken car next to the same restored car

Own Your Stuff!

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” Gal 6:6–7 There are few things that elicit more sadness in me that watching a person whose sin has brought significant negative consequences upon them—in keeping with the sowing and reaping principle of Galatians 6:7—yet they recklessly blame everyone…

Old Biblical photo

Behind the Scenes

James 5:16 instructs us to confess our sins to one another. So here it goes. Forgive me, for I have sinned. It’s been nearly a month since my last blog post. Indeed, it’s been rather hectic the past several weeks, but with Resurrection Sunday having passed, I’ve finally come to a much needed, albeit short,…

Man teaching a fellowship group

Preaching and Repentance

One of the blessed benefits of being able to pursue formal seminary training (even at my age!) is the countless small discoveries that come with diligently pursuing my class assignments. The absolute wonder of learning about God at ever deeper levels is indescribable, even for someone like me. I am a person who likes to…

light shining through the grass


It’s that time of year again when Spring screams out, “I’m here!” Daytime and nighttime temps are on the rise and it is amazing how fast the snow and ice melt away. Another thing that has always intrigued me about Springs’ arrival, is that whatever was buried under the snow is revealed, just as it…

Dirt trail under trees

Just Beyond the Bushes

The Encounter I first met Alex Prokopenko in 2018 when he came to Anchorage to speak at a conference AGC was hosting as an outreach to the Russian-speaking community in Anchorage. Alex is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary, currently finishing up his PhD in Old Testament there, and working as a professor at Samara Center for…