Do You See?

Do You See?

Those who live in the great and beautiful state of Alaska have a daily exposure to some of the greatest and most epic geography on earth. Everyday on my short commute to work, the rugged Chugach mountains tower over me just mere miles from away. At this time in the year, the birch trees are…

A Woman in an Apron Cleaning the Window

College Job Board

Back in my college days I was looking for a job that could get me some money from a short-term commitment.  I had a busy schedule, but I could set aside a day and put some hard work in.  As I walked past the school’s Job Board, a posting caught my eye.  Window washing –…

Woman with a VR headset looking at a bunch of computer code

Shadowbots Transform!

You may have read the headlines the last few weeks and came to the conclusion that the Transformers franchise is making yet another attempt at adding to their library of cheesy transforming robot movies. You may sense some cynicism in my tone. You would be correct. For a kid growing up in the era of…

Caution Avalanche Danger Sign


Have you ever witnessed an actual avalanche? Since we live in Alaska, I’m sure a few of you have. I’ve only seen the terrible aftermath that results when thousands of tons of snow, ice, and debris crash downward under the inexorable power of gravity. I have seen avalanche videos that come close to the live…

Person walking on tree barefooted

Thumbs and Big Toes

Thumbs and Big Toes– Judges 1:4–7              The opening chapter of the book of Judges provides an intriguing historical narrative, the story of a battle and a captured king, Adoni-bezek.  Adoni- bezek, “Lord of Bezek”, was a cruel and wicked pagan king.  This particular king had a reputation for torturing and humiliating the foreign kings…

Man covered in mud

“But he Lingered.”

Genesis 19 gives the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yet there is more in this chapter about Lot than the wicked cities that God rained fire and brimstone upon. There is no doubt that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah had reached the point of no return in regard to their sin….

Man with blue eyes

Why So Serious?

Last evening our High School Youth Group had their annual, “Schools Out Cookout.”  Of course, school is not out yet, but next week our Christian School will have its graduation ceremony. So school is kind of out, but it’s not. This, however, goes well with our theme “Schools Out Cookout”. It’s not a cookout, we…