Snowy trees

Surrounded, but Not Cut Off

In December of 1944, Nazi Germany launched their last major offensive against the Allied forces, who had been slowly be steadily gaining ground and advancing their lines through northern France and into Belgium. Germany had been strengthening their lines with reserve troops and amassing a sizable force in the cover of the Ardennes forest. This…

Sprouts growing

Marks of a Mature Believer (Part 3)

Today is the third and final installment of our little mini-series looking at the marks of what makes up a mature believer. To recap part 1 and part 2, we’ve seen from Colossians 1:9-11 that… A mature Christian knows biblical true (1:9a) A mature Christian applies biblical truth (1:9b) A mature Christian desires to please the Lord…

Be Strong coffee cup

I Need to Be Strong

How many times have you heard the phrase, “I need to be strong for them”? Whether you are a single parent, or a person who is looked up to as the older or more mature person there are times when we have realized the necessity of being strong.  We may be holding our emotions in…

Hourglass in the rocks

Slow Down!!

One thing that has not been a problem for many people lately is slowing down their pace of life.  With COVID concerns all around most people have taken to cutting out many normal practices.  It seems like many people have taken on those projects that they just haven’t been able to get around to until…

Man sitting on pile of chopped wood with a Bible in his hand

What Do I Tell My Kids?

I have been greatly blessed with a close family and we have drawn closer under the pressures of national crisis. Probably like many families, we have had a lot of serious conversations of late about how to remain strong in our faith under the pressures of political strife and the uncertainty of the pandemic. I…