Man and woman made in God's image

Imago Dei

Genesis 1:26-28 explains the beginning of humanity: Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”So God created mankind in his own image,in the…

Do You See?

Do You See?

Those who live in the great and beautiful state of Alaska have a daily exposure to some of the greatest and most epic geography on earth. Everyday on my short commute to work, the rugged Chugach mountains tower over me just mere miles from away. At this time in the year, the birch trees are…

A History of Heresies?

A History of Heresies?

Of the many benefits I could list about taking on seminary training as a sixty-something is that I’m compelled to read books that I likely would not have ever attempted to conquer absent the forcing mechanism of graded assignments. One such book that I recently read cover-to-cover was Theologian and Seminary Professor Harold O. J….

Gospel of Matthew Mark Luke and John

The Gospel Truth

As a pastor and a student of the Bible, my bookshelves are filled with all sorts of volumes and resources related to biblical studies. Some are thick, heavy theology books, others are paperbacks devoted to specific topics on issues ranging from God to counseling. I have a large section of reference works on Greek and…

Old photo of a man reading and writing with a quill

Reforming Illumination

The last time I wrote, I introduced the concept of illumination as it relates to the ministry of God’s Word. Now, for a lot of people, illumination—the truth that conversion and spiritual “sight” comes through the ministry of the Holy Spirit as God opens up our hearts to understand His word and the truth of…

Person walking a mountain ridge

The Devil’s Causeway

Sixteen miles southwest of Yampa, CO, nestled in the heart of the flattened basaltic domes of the Flattop Wilderness lies as notorious and imposing stretch of trail called The Devil’s Causeway. Daring hikers park their vehicles at the trailhead at Stillwater Reservoir and make their way past stunning meadows and eerie forests on the six-mile…

Many parts on a table

Back to Basics

I have a confession to make. Several, in fact. As a pianist with an undergraduate degree in music performance, you’d expect that I would have sat down with my two older boys (now ages 8 and 9) and taught them how to play the piano, and that by now they’d be playing Rachmaninoff concertos. But…


There is a Plan

The message I have to share in today’s post is simple and straight forward. In fact, this may be the shortest post you will ever read from me. Maybe some day I’ll try to break the record, but don’t count on it anytime soon. But I want to share it because sometimes the simplest statement…