hazy mountains

The Perfect Love of the Triune God

For some odd reason, men have developed a reputation for being unobservant. Now, while that’s a rash generalization to which every fiber of my testosterone-laced masculinity rebels, I have to remind myself of how many times I have opened the refrigerator door, taken a look around, and then called out to my wife, “Are we…


That’s Not Fair!

There’s a certain temptation on all our parts toward a certain level of anxiety over what’s going on around us. As a Christian, I observe daily the issues going on in society, in politics, and in the church at large, and I am troubled by the moral and theological trajectories I see. I don’t think…

old chair

Your Kingdom Come

We’re all familiar with it. It was probably the first prayer we ever learned to prayer. Maybe we heard it recited with ritual regularity from our parents before bed. Maybe we memorized it in Sunday School or AWANAS. The Lord’s Prayer is one of those passages that brings the comfort of nostalgia and familiarity. It’s…

light at the end of the tunnel

A “Well” Known Woman

Most of us are known for something. Some people are known for their sense of humor, their sense of fashion, their kindness, or their bubbly personalities. Unfortunately, however, some people are notoriously known. The word notorious is an adjective, and defined as: famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed. If you…


Taking History Seriously

With only two days left in the year, one would naturally expect this post to focus in on the topic of New Years and looking to the days ahead. But honestly, circumstances and providence have me doing something quite different lately. Maybe it’s all the talk of getting past 2020, of moving into a new…

Old castle

Countering False Teaching

The more I am in God’s Word these days, either through my seminary classes, or because I am leading a fellowship group focused on sound doctrine, the more I see just how significant the threat of false teaching is to achieving a healthy Christ-pleasing church. The New Testament Epistles are replete with warnings about false…

Illustration of Athanasius

One Man Against the World

Throughout church history Satan and his demons have mounted many attacks against God’s children. From flat out denial to crafty subterfuge, Satan has many tricks up his sleeve. Thankfully, his tricks stand no chance against Christ’s building of His church (cf. Matt 16:18). A study of church history shows Satan surrounding the men and women…