
I Am Living in a Land of Death

As a worship pastor, it’s my responsibility and privilege to think carefully about what we sing as a local church. Corporate worship is immensely important, and overwhelmingly theological. When we sing as a congregation, we are speaking our theology in unison together. That reality should be profoundly efficacious to you as a believer. For one,…

Open Bible on a table

Healing and Demons

I want to address a few things regarding Jesus’ healing ministry, as there has been a lot of confusion in the church abroad caused by errant teaching from false teachers pretending to heal in Jesus’ name.  Then I want to talk about demons.  Jesus’ opening ministry in Galilee described in Matthew 4:23-24 serves as the…

Person standing on rocks in the ocean looking at the sunset

The Resurrected Christ

“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21) An author and college professor named Earnest Becker won a Pulitzer Prize in 1974 for a book he wrote entitled “The Denial of Death.” I read this book as an undergraduate student at Vanderbilt University in 1978, and it had a strong…

Painting if two hands touching each other

He Chose Us

The doctrine (teaching) of election is one of the most highly contested doctrines of Scripture. That God in eternity past, before time began, chose the individuals who would be the recipients of His grace. God predestined us for adoption into His eternal family before the world existed. This truth resounds throughout Scripture and yet is…

Bible with highlighted text

Who Can Be a Theologian?

On July 24th, 2020 my wife gave birth to our first child, Hannah Kelly Overholtzer. We choose to name her after Hannah, the mother of Samuel in the Old Testament because we were inspired by her prayer in 1 Samuel 2. Her prayer reflects that she was a theologian. Our hope is that one day,…