Man using his tablet

News Feed Versus Truth Feed

We are living in an age of information saturation. Saturation seems an apt descriptor because it means we’re enduring media in a manner described by one dictionary as: “to a very full extent, especially beyond the point regarded as necessary or desirable.” The nature of calamity and strife invites people to want saturation from the…

Stone and dirt walkway in the trees

To Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Heresy is the term used to describe a doctrine contrary to Biblical truth. From its infancy, Christ’s church has needed to fight against a myriad of heresies emanating from the supernatural and human enemies of God. Church history shows the avenues of heretical assault have generally come from within three doctrinal categories: the person and…

Old sword on a chair

Fighting for Truth

As we continue to watch in amazement at our descending American culture and its unhappy byproducts—ever-widening divisions, and ever-deepening acrimony in the public square—we Christians sense coming persecution. We hear and read of crazy assaults on basic freedoms to speak, or to parent our children, or to receive health care, and these shocking scenarios on…


Who is on the LORD’S Side?

Listen to the radio, watch any amount of news or a T.V. show; read just a smidgen in a newspaper or almost any magazine and you can easily get a sense of the divide in our country. Depending on what spectrum you are looking through, it may appear to be purely political, social, racial, gender,…

Volleyball in the pool

Suppressing the Truth Takes Work!

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of…

Old castle

Countering False Teaching

The more I am in God’s Word these days, either through my seminary classes, or because I am leading a fellowship group focused on sound doctrine, the more I see just how significant the threat of false teaching is to achieving a healthy Christ-pleasing church. The New Testament Epistles are replete with warnings about false…

Soldier holding a rifle in battle

Fighting for Our Faith

The Battle of France, also known as the Fall of France, was the German invasion of France and the Low Countries during the Second World War. In May and June of 1940, German armored units made a surprise push through the Ardennes, and then along the Somme valley, cutting off and surrounding the Allied units that had advanced into Belgium to meet the expected German invasion. British, Belgian, and French…

Glasses showing clear versus blurry letter chart

Modern Day Pharisees and Sadducees

Solomon’s wisdom states there is nothing new under the sun.  Spoken in modern vernacular, “History keeps repeating itself.”  The older I become the clearer the issues of life seem to be.  Sunday I brought up the two religious slash political groups called the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  These two groups represent two very different ideologies…

Sun rays shining into a cave

He Gave No Answer

Sunday evening, a modest sized crowd from church gathered by Wasilla Lake. About 80 or so parents, singles, teens and children made the drive to watch a young teenager share her testimony and be baptized. It was a precious sight under a drizzled sky, as we stood semi-circled on the shoreline to affirm her gospel…