man holding a camera lens

What Do You Do with That?

There is a very real temptation to be anxious about life that is pervasive in our present culture and world. Many things in life that we have accepted as normal are now anything but normal. Just the events of this past week in our government are heartbreaking and so very contrary to what we have…

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What If?

If you are like me, you may find yourself tempted from time to time to follow a path of what I will call “what if” thinking. An adverse event or news will trigger your mind to begin speculating on possible futures. Depending on the severity of the original negative trigger, the speculations will take on…

man sitting down alone

Hunkering Down

This “hunkering down” stuff can mess with our minds if we let it!  We are asked to do a simple thing:  Stay home, and stay away from people!  I will admit there are some days where that is the kind of assignment I am looking for.  But the prolonged hunker down and social distancing can…