Courage to Face the Present

  • Pete Johnson
Two men praying together

There are a lot of things happening around us in our world today. There seems to be a growing uneasiness floating about. You can feel it. There are whisperings of things that may or may not take place. There are uninvited feelings of heaviness brought about by the things that we see and hear which leads to fear. Unfortunately fear comes with the territory of being human. If we are honest, there are many things we fear may happen. But how do you deal with that?

“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” Job 3:25, KJV

Maybe it has been caused by your sin. Perhaps it is something that God is allowing in your life. Either way, you need the courage to face the present.

Present circumstances caused by my sin:

What does courage to face the consequences of your sin look like?


The Courage to Confess and Repent from sin, no matter the outcome:

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

Confession first to God: This means that you see your sin as God sees it. Agreeing with God that your sin is as horrible as He says it is.

Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

Confession to others: The Bible is very clear that if we sin against another, we are to go and seek forgiveness from that individual(s).

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed, the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” James 5:16 

Repentance means that you turn from the sin you were involved in and go in a godly direction.

We confess and repent so that our relationship with Christ is restored, not so we can dodge any consequences of our sin.


The courage to face the things that God allows to come into our lives:

This is likely the category that many Christians struggle with because it carries the question of “Why Me?”

When we think about Job’s comment mentioned earlier, he had no idea why these things were happening to him. He was not privy to the heavenly conversation that had taken place between God and the accuser.


How can we be courageous to face the present in times such as these?

There are two ways to find the courage to face your present, both are relational. In Daniel chapter three we find the familiar story of the three Hebrew children being cast into the fiery furnace. This was a present situation that God had allowed to come into their lives. Life and death were on the line. The first relational aspect of this story was their belief, their genuine belief in God. Their relationship with God was not a pretend or superficial relationship, it was the real thing. We see that in the first chapter where with Daniel they purposed in the heart that they would not defile themselves with the pagan food and wine, as delectable as it was. This was a decision that they would obey the laws that God had given to the Jews even though they were far from Jerusalem. We also see that because of their relationship with God, they trusted him beyond their own reason or hope regarding the outcome of their present circumstance.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1


Do you have a relationship with God that is like that?

The second relational aspect of this story was the relationship between the three of them, actually the four of them, including Daniel. In chapter two we see Daniel coming to these three friends and asking them to pray for him in his present situation.

Then Daniel went to his house and made the matter known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions, and told them to seek mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that Daniel and his companions might not be destroyed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.” Daniel 2:17-18


Do you have friends that will fervently pray for you and with you during your present circumstance?

Then we see in Daniel 3, the bond between three men through thick and thin. This bond was developed through their mutual belief in God, and their genuine love for one another in present troubles. In this story of the fiery furnace, Daniel chapter 3, we read thirteen times, the names Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), and Abednego (Azariah) together. Together when they refused to bow to the image of gold, together when they were brought before the king, together when they answered the king, and together when they were tossed into the furnace… They were together. They drew strength and courage from each other as they faced the fear of their present situation.

“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12

Do you have godly friends in your life that can bolster your courage, to strengthen your faith in God as you walk through your present situation? That’s what Church is for! That is one of the reasons we meet together so that we can know each other and develop strong bonds in Christ.