“God with us”

  • Jeff Crotts
Mini figures nativity scene

I wanted to take a moment to wish you, “Merry Christmas.” If you are like me, you appreciate a predictable routine. I am someone who enjoys a healthy blend of spontaneity mixed with some order so when Christmastime comes and more family arrives, the schedule shakes up, to say the least.

It is very fun to have family in town, watching late-night Christmas 80’s movies, baking cookies (or just more and more bacon), spur of the moment runs grabbing last minutes gifts, playing spike-ball in our living room, and staying up into the wee hours around the kitchen table laughing until it hurts.

Stories will be told of a random science project made by my son-in-law (aero-space engineer student) of a makeshift “Coke can” kerosene stove that blew up in our kitchen (last night), where quick snow access made all the difference. All this “life” is irreplaceable and borderline epic, but all this is rightfully time fused in the rhythm of our calendar year. Soon, things will turn a corner, 2022 will hit and we will go back to the weekly grind of Spring semester.

When things shift back, just remember one thing; the Son of God is “with us” (Matt. 1:23). Jesus knows you and sees you inside of your every day. The manger scene is one of the most intimate and warm family settings I can imagine. Do you know that that intimacy is yours every day, if you will just take a moment to breath it into your mind.  

Matthew’s Gospel crowns Jesus King but this King is different than any other king for this King lives inside of your daily experience. He is with you when life is loud and unpredictable and also when it is quiet and steady. He is with you when you have no clear path in front of you and He is with you when you know the right thing to do.

He is with you while you sleep, and He is with you when you are kept awake by your fears. God is with us – meaning Jesus is right there – because He is! He is God, so He is present, and He is man, which means He cares about you with incalculable empathy. In these next few days when your mind goes to the manger scene, remember that the same specialness of God’s presence at Jesus’ birth is the same specialness of God’s presence in your life today. God bless you and have a blessed Christmas with your family and with your Lord. He is near.

ESV  Matthew 1:21-23 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God cwith us).