Equipping the Saints
The purpose of our Institute is to offer rich biblical training to a broad audience in an easily-accessible format. Classes at the Institute will eventually develop into 2- to 3-year certificate tracks designed to equip people for ministry. We believe this Institute will play a key role in fulfilling our church’s mission to make disciples and train ministry leaders both locally and throughout Alaska.
2025 Spring Classes
BI102 Hermeneutics II – Beyond the Basics
January 13 – March 3
Instructor: Nathan Schneider
Duration: 8 weeks (January 13 – March 3)
Schedule: 6:00–8:00pm on Monday evenings
Format: in person, Zoom live, or watch recordings
Assignments: Bible interpretation practice each week
Cost: $25/person
BC101 Intro to Biblical Counseling
March 17 – May 5
Instructor: Jeff Crotts
Duration: 8 weeks (March 17 – May 5)
Schedule: 6:00–8:00pm on Monday evenings
Format: in person, Zoom live, or watch recordings
Assignments: required reading (TBD)
Cost: $25/person