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Testing the Spirits, Pt. 1
1 John
Jeff Crotts
Rejoicing in Trials
Guest Speaker
Alex Prokopenko
Comfort of the Holy Spirit
Guest Speaker
Derrick Zuk
Training for Godliness, Pt. 2
Nathan Schneider
Not Good Enough
Guest Speaker
Pete Johnson
Living with a Heavenly Mindset
Guest Speaker
Tom Dickerson
God’s Unconditional Love, Pt. 2
1 John
Jeff Crotts
God’s Unconditional Love, Pt. 1
1 John
Jeff Crotts
Training for Godliness, Pt. 1
Nathan Schneider
Know Your Identity, Pt. 2
1 John
Jeff Crotts
God-glorifying Expository Preaching and Premier Christian Education