- Pete Johnson
It’s that time of year again when Spring screams out, “I’m here!” Daytime and nighttime temps are on the rise and it is amazing how fast the snow and ice melt away. Another thing that has always intrigued me about Springs’ arrival, is that whatever was buried under the snow is revealed, just as it was left before it was covered by the snow. There are some things that I didn’t even remember leaving out, yet there it sits, a single deck screw and drill bit. Exactly where I had left it way back in September, unmoved by the snow that had hidden it, revealing to all that I had left it there. At least I didn’t leave the drill out as well! However, there is something that will soon be uncovered that I know all about. I know it has been there from the very first snowfall and I do not look forward to it being uncovered. We have a large canine that resides with us, he eats a lot. I find myself being a little anxious about the snow melting away in the backyard, even more so as I see the day approaching!
Maybe a better example to drive home this idea about things being uncovered is demonstrated on your drive anywhere down Minnesota (If you are reading this and don’t live in Anchorage, Minnesota is the main thoroughfare- highway). Without fail, every Spring I am dumbfounded at the amount of trash that is revealed in the median as the snow melts. Want I mean by that is I just don’t remember it being there before the snow. In my recollection, all I remember is green grass in the median. This will sound silly, but I once theorized, only one-time mind you, that the ravens must be responsible for this. We all know that ravens pick trash out of garbage cans, take things out of vehicles, and can make a mess of things, but it wasn’t them. So I started paying attention to the median as the snow began to fall, and sure enough, it was all there. The Ravens didn’t do it, people did. The snow just temporarily covered up all the trash that was there for several months. As the snow continues to melt the obvious happens, the trash and garbage are revealed and everyone sees it. So what happens then? Fortunately, it is clean-up time. Just think what things would look like and smell like if we just let it lay there year after year. It wouldn’t just affect the people responsible for it, it would affect everyone who drives up and down Minnesota. I’m just thinking what my backyard would be like if I let it stay in the same state that it will soon be revealed. Not only would it affect my family but my neighbors would not be happy with the odor emanating across the chain-link fence, much less the visual sight of five months of dog stuff.
Sin in the life of the believer is like that. Unfortunately, we tend to cover our sins. We may say, “Well it’s just a couple of small things, I can deal with that”. We may say “I didn’t really realize it was that bad”, Or we might even be guilty of knowing what’s there, what is covered up. We may be able to hide our sin from our spouses, our family, or our friends for a season. It may even be a lengthy season at that. However, it is quite foolish to believe that we can hide our sin from God, or even reason it away. As much as we try to cover our sin, it will be revealed, even for non-believers.
Jesus said in Luke 12:2-3
“Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore, whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.”
So when the light of God’s Word melts away that which is covering your sin, what should you do? Should you run from it, reason it away, convince yourself it wasn’t your fault? The most miserable person on the face of the planet is the Christian who is covering their sin. Sin separates. In their heart, they know that it will be revealed, yet they live in continual anxiety over how to keep covering it up all the while they are destroying relationships. When God graciously reveals to you your sin, take care of it, confess and repent of it, get it cleaned up!
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9