
What Are You Dying For?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary the phrase “What are you dying for?” carries the meaning “to be very eager to have or do something.” Some examples of how we use this phrase could be: “I’m just dying to hear what happened to you!” “I’m just dying to be on vacation!” “I’m just dying to know…

Man with futuristic helmet

Meta Reality…Really? 

I wanted to take a moment to share something my twenty-year-old son, Logan brought up to me over Christmas break. He attends The Master’s University and his favorite econ prof had been addressing Mark Zuckerberg’s Nuevo proposal, Meta. Meta will be his larger umbrella company making Facebook and Instagram subsidiaries. It is important to say…

Woman holding money in the air

Blank Check

I have once been the recipient of a blank check. For a few fateful days I held the check in my hands, pondering the possibilities of all I could do with such a powerful gift. In reality, the check was from my parents, so there was no getting away with any shenanigans. But beyond the…


It’s Time for What Matters

Outside of salvation, time may very well be our most precious commodity. Yet as valuable as it is, we tend to waste a large part of it. James writes that our time here on earth is very short, “yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist…

Cliche maze

Not Another Christian Cliche

There is one thing that I hate, yea two that I cannot stand: Hallmark Christmas movies, and walking into Christian bookstores. Why do these two things bother me so much? Well, the first is obvious, and I’m fairly certain I hold the majority opinion of every guy on the planet. Hallmark movies are boring, they’re…

Man looking up at the stars with a headlamp

The Right View of God

Like many Christians, I have been stunned and saddened to watch America so rapidly descend before our very eyes. In watching what seems a bad dream unfold I have been moved to pray how I might—as a pastor—best shepherd the Lord’s flock into an uncertain future. Therefore, I have been considering these questions: How are…

Blue Butterfly on the water

The Significance of a Day

Have you ever wondered if anything you are going through or doing, actually makes a difference in the grand scheme of things?  Of course, we would all say that significant events in the world, such as wars, famine, pandemics affect the entirety of humanity. Some would argue that only famous people, rich people, lunatics, and…

Little girl walking through tall grass

Be Still

I have three grandchildren, who live with me. Finding time to be still, for them or me, is something that doesn’t just happen unless everyone is sleeping. When the little ones are awake and about, there is a lot of “unstillness” going on. Their “unstillness” in turn leads to my “unstillness”, whether that be in…

Life is Good ball cap

Living Under God’s Curse

My wife Cynthia, in the course of her five pregnancies, would pursue behaviors while carrying God’s gifts to us that I understand are common to soon-to-be moms. She would “nest” within the dynamic of our many temporary Air Force homes. Nesting is about organizing and preparing for change, which would pull me, her husband and…