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Doing the Word

A while back, I came across an article in a 2005 issue of Scientific American. Now, if you’re doing the math, that’s about 15 years ago that I first read this article, but it was such an astounding read that it has stuck in my mind to this day. The article was about a man…

Two doors next to each other one bright red and the other bright yellow

Do the Right Thing

Most of our choices and decisions in this life are straightforward.  There are basic, agreed-upon ways of treating other people that are consistent across different cultures.  Helping someone in genuine need would be one of those things that most people would agree is a positive action.  Every religion that I know of takes a positive…

Man and a woman having coffee together

I Can’t Hear You

It has never really struck me in this way before, but I am realizing that sitting down and having a conversation over a meal or a cup of coffee is becoming a lost art.  It sounds kind of crazy, but when you think about how we currently enter into conversation in our culture, it is…

woman shopping

Consumer or Worship

Church culture has shifted and if shifting.  A year ago, it was a lot easier to come to church out of a religious motive.  Mainstream attenders whooshing in and out of church services to be seen and acknowledged by friend groups to be reassured they are good people and under God’s blessing.  This kind of…

man holding a glass ball


Recent events have caused me to have a different perspective on things, especially life. The Oxford dictionary defines the word perspective as “a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.” Most of us are familiar with the adage, “how do you see the glass of water, half empty or half…


Doing What’s Impossible

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your…

light at the end of the tunnel

A “Well” Known Woman

Most of us are known for something. Some people are known for their sense of humor, their sense of fashion, their kindness, or their bubbly personalities. Unfortunately, however, some people are notoriously known. The word notorious is an adjective, and defined as: famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed. If you…

the Cross at sunset

Passing the Test

Last Monday, I was compelled to write about current events. I was deeply grieving the past weeks’ many developments culminating in the civil protests now labeled the Capitol Riots. Since my last post, we have experienced a second impeachment of the President of the United States by the U.S. House of Representatives. There are thousands…