Lake dock


After Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, on that first day of the week, the Gospel of John gives us an account of the mindset of the disciples. Fearful, perhaps grieving and confused about why things had happened the way they did. They were huddled together somewhere attempting to find peace and comfort behind a locked door….

Cliche maze

Not Another Christian Cliche

There is one thing that I hate, yea two that I cannot stand: Hallmark Christmas movies, and walking into Christian bookstores. Why do these two things bother me so much? Well, the first is obvious, and I’m fairly certain I hold the majority opinion of every guy on the planet. Hallmark movies are boring, they’re…

illustration of a fallen giant

Overwhelmed by Little Things

In 1726, Jonathan Swift wrote a four-part satirical book titled Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, it was later changed to the more familiar title, Gulliver’s Travels. The book describes the four adventures of Lemuel Gulliver, a surgeon and sea captain. In his first adventure, Gulliver is the lone survivor of a shipwreck….

Old sail ship in the water

Is it Well with Your Soul?

Most of us have probably heard such phrases as, “Soul food”, maybe even read “Chicken soup for the soul”, and possibly heard the song, “I’m a soul man”. But the phrase or the idea of “a troubled soul” is probably more identifiable with most people, especially in the day and age in which we currently…

woman putting sticky notes on wall

Identify and Divide

I remember first meeting Mark over 30 years ago. I had never seen him before nor was I aware of any friends we may have had in common. We met in a professional setting and it seemed that as we worked alongside each other there was some unity  between us. Initially we only spent three…


Happy New Fears?

Today, Thursday at midnight, billions of people will celebrate the incoming new year, 2021. 2020 seems like a bad movie that you watched as a kid and those bad scenes just keep popping up in your head. 2020 also feels like it lasted 11 months, thirty-one days, and thirteen years!  “COVID time” (all the lock…

Dog with blanket wrapped around it

Overwhelmed vs. Whelmed

It might not be fear that we are dealing with in our life, but it is just the sense that I can’t take this any more. It is the sense of being overwhelmed. But is there such a thing as being whelmed? And if whelmed is a state of being, what is the difference between…

World Peace written on a wall

Manufactured Peace

The United Nations was established after the close of World War 2. Its purpose is to unite together different nations with diplomacy and good relations with the hope of preventing further wars. If you were to read the charter of the United Nations, you’d come across this statement in the preamble which explains one of the…