inside an airplane

The Provision of God, Pt. 5

With the hunker-down order still in place, traveling is probably the last thing on everyone’s minds. Who wants to travel right now, anyway? (That’s right, I see those hands.) For me, traveling is multifaceted affair. On the one hand, I enjoy going places, seeing new things, eating new foods, and having new experiences. On the…

plant growing

Too Much to Bear

I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now (John 16:12). Question: “When will this pandemic season end?”  We truly do not know.  Our President could order tighter restrictions confining us even more to our homes.  Or, we could be cut loose, right back into the market place.  From…

man sitting down alone

Hunkering Down

This “hunkering down” stuff can mess with our minds if we let it!  We are asked to do a simple thing:  Stay home, and stay away from people!  I will admit there are some days where that is the kind of assignment I am looking for.  But the prolonged hunker down and social distancing can…